The proposed night cycling on 24th August has been cancelled. The activity is changed to a movie screening at a classroom. Isn't it sad? Aww ... I've been looking forward to it. It's the Hungry Ghost Festival; isn't it thrilling to night cycle at this kind of time ? Doing abnormal stuff >< (People will throw eggs at me if they hear me say this ... lol ...)
Anyway, it's holiday for me and for the rest of the karate members; their exams are ending soon. Carry on, guys! Just a bit more then you can go berserk! But, don't forget to come for training as well !! =D And, maybe if you guys are free on the 25th Sept, we go eat mooncakes, admire the moon and moon-bath at the red bridge ?? ^_^
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
28 July 2007 : Karate tournament / Pictures by Sam
Our bubbly Mawashi killer, Esther !!
Samantha and Li Zhe smiling for the camera
The three musketeers ! Sorry* it's 2 musketeers and 1 musketeeress ^^
Everybody loves Sensei. All want to take picture with him =D
Sensei and Samantha. Guess who's the extra ?
Yo ! Qi Jun, your fingers extra lah !! Don't block your face >_<
Wabbit, wabbit ! Samantha and Sensei trying to look like a wabbit
Wabbit, wabbit again ...
Sensei and Li Zhe
Sensei blowing his whistle. Who's the extra behind ? Look like monster because of the motion blur ...
A shot of Sensei walking off
Samantha and Inex posing for the camera
Sian ... I'm so sian ....
Haiz ... so sian ... How ??
Gin sleeping.
Sleeping somemore ...
Still sleeping ... zzZZ
Okay, so the above pictures are from Samantha. They can also be found on her blog. So, if your free, go visit her blog. I guess that's it for today. I really got to go sleep. I slept at 4am last night just to finish my assignment. Must sleep!!!
Also, I'll be putting up a bit of footage of the tournament soon. Okay, maybe eventually ...
So, look forward to it. ^^
Thursday, August 2, 2007
28 July 2007 : Karate tournament / Pictures by Inex
Here are the pictures taken at Simei ITE. It is the day where our club participated in the karate tournament and achieved six gold medals. I managed to get the pictures from Inex and decide to put it up here. The pictures can also be found on Inex's blog. I'm going to get more from the others like Samantha and videos from Esther later. Well, then ... Enjoy. ^^

Inex and Samantha posing for the camera

Inex and Sensei being cute. Sensei's pose quite kawaii ^^ Desho?

Li Zhe and Inex posing. Inex, what big smile you have ... =D

Qi Jun and Inex acting sad ...

Marissa is smiling but what's this?? Hao Yu "stoning" in front of the camera. >_<

Sensei showing his swarsoki cyrstal whistle ...

During the lunch break, Inex, Marissa, Dennis, Wan Ping, Hui Zhuang and Esther went to the foodcourt and saw this big eye fish and many others. All of them acted like they haven't seen fishes before and kept on following the fishes and takin pictures of them
Finding ... still finding ... argh!! Where is it ??!!

After tournament, they decide to go have a mini celebration. Samantha entertained everyone by coming up with a question "Can you find the smallest 'Singapore' word in the dollar note?" Hao Yu took a real long time searching and looked very silly. Lol ^^
Sugar, spice and everything nice ... ; Winter sleep ...

Everyone's tired from the assignments and tests. Just like in this picture, they long to take a rest like the BLEACH group. But, all's not done yet. One more week to go, so JIA YOU, minna-san!! ><
Argh ... I need more stuff to sweeten and spice up this blog !!! Someone give me photos and videos !!! I still have to hand in my sketchbook this friday, have a test next Wednesday and hand in my STSB next friday. Yet, why am I still concerned over this blog ? I also don't know.
Sian ... all I know is that after next week. Its BREAK TIME !! Finally! I can work on this blog. Use the pictures, do some photoshop and make a nicer header and background. I want to make it something nice. Then, put the link on SP website. There are still people who don't know about the construction of this blog. So, those that I allow you to preview this blog ... Shh !! >_<
Haiz ... won't be going for training. I guess I will do my work and watch them then. I'll try to get the images by tomorow. Then, I can post it up. It's going to be a long hard work but it's worth it. ^^
6 Lil' Gold Medals I once knew ... Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too ...
Hey, I forgot to add another thing. It is about SPKC latest achievement ...
We took part in a karate tournament last Saturday, 31 July 2007. Overall, we achieved 6 Gold Medals. It was a long and tiring event for everyone. In addition, it was exciting while we anticipated the victory of our team and root for our fellow members. After the event was over, we went to Burger King at Tampines Mall to have dinner and chat about that day's events. All in all, it was a tiring but enjoyable day >_<
We took part in a karate tournament last Saturday, 31 July 2007. Overall, we achieved 6 Gold Medals. It was a long and tiring event for everyone. In addition, it was exciting while we anticipated the victory of our team and root for our fellow members. After the event was over, we went to Burger King at Tampines Mall to have dinner and chat about that day's events. All in all, it was a tiring but enjoyable day >_<
Introducing ...

Eto neh ... Now, I'll introduce to you people out there more about our club and its activities.
Name: Seiwa Kai Goju Ryu Karate Club
Club President: Ng Wan Ping
Club Vice President: Chong Hao Yu
Ex Club President: Vincent Du Zheng Lin (there, you happy now? vincent ... -_-'')
Membership Secretary: Lim Qin Jie
Logistics: Chen Hao Yu
Team Captain / Manager : Dennis Lim ( eh, heh ... my distant relative )
Quarter Mistress: Esther Tan
Training location : (Most of the time) Open area near Foodcourt 5 / (Seldom) Polycentre
Training days: Mondays and Thurdays / Wednesdays (sometimes)
Training time : 6.30pm/ Unless otherwise stated
Aim of the club:
To learn self-defence, develop a strong and healthy body, develop courage, develop willpower, develop an indomitable spirit, to spread the name of Seiwa Kai Goju Ryu to the mass, to be overall champion in karate tournaments ...Our club activities : Train, take part in competitions, have training/ leisure camps, club outings, train some more ( practice makes perfect, ya? ) ...
Stuff we do during training:
Practise our basics ( basics are the foundation of most of our karate moves; they are very important !! ), sparring ( mini competition among fellow members ), learn kata ( very beautiful hand and leg movements; sometimes it looks like a combat dance to me ^^ ), bond with each other ...
The people there:
Friendly, "unique", helpful, caring, enthusiastic, funny, playful, hardworking, disciplined and there is all sorts of people there ...
In addition about the club :
A very weird club which matchmakes the people there. Currently, there are 3 new comer girls who have paired up with 3 seniors in the club. Interesting huh ? =D
Konichiwa !

Konichiwa! Sa-desu! Also, atashi no administrator of this blog, specially made for SPKC, aka Singapore Polytechnic Karate Club. I'm a member of the Goju Ryu Karate Club in Singapore Polytechnic. Since this is the first post, let me give an introduction of myself.
Name: Marissa Lim Hui Wen
Age : 16
DOB: 3 October 1990
Friendster URL :
School: Singapore Polytechnic / School Of Media Information Technology
Course/ Class: Diploma in Digital Media/ 1A/02
CCA : Goju Ryu Karate Club/ SMIT Club
Hobbies/ Interests : Slacking, fooling around with my laptop, listening to music, imagining wild stuff, taking photos, taking videos, disturbing people, thinking of ways to improve stuff ...
Personality: Hot-tempered, short-tempered, kind (sometimes ), sarcastic, mean, lame, slow, blur, hardworking ( according to some people ), passionate, serious, initiative, enthusiastic, friendly ( sometimes ) ...
Reason why I'm creating this blog : To let everyone know of our fun club activities, let our fellow members come here to share pictures and anything with each other ...
So, there you have it. A brief welcoming and introduction from the administrator of this blog which is me ^_^
Age : 16
DOB: 3 October 1990
Friendster URL :
School: Singapore Polytechnic / School Of Media Information Technology
Course/ Class: Diploma in Digital Media/ 1A/02
CCA : Goju Ryu Karate Club/ SMIT Club
Hobbies/ Interests : Slacking, fooling around with my laptop, listening to music, imagining wild stuff, taking photos, taking videos, disturbing people, thinking of ways to improve stuff ...
Personality: Hot-tempered, short-tempered, kind (sometimes ), sarcastic, mean, lame, slow, blur, hardworking ( according to some people ), passionate, serious, initiative, enthusiastic, friendly ( sometimes ) ...
Reason why I'm creating this blog : To let everyone know of our fun club activities, let our fellow members come here to share pictures and anything with each other ...
So, there you have it. A brief welcoming and introduction from the administrator of this blog which is me ^_^
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