Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Club meeting

There is going to be a club meeting on the 4th Feb at 4pm before training starts. Everyone, please take note and go for the meeting. We are going to discuss about the orientation'08, club banner (which I still need to work on -_-''), flyer, performing and the orientation camp'08.

And, here's another thing the club needs to know your opinions on our training. Therefore, please post your opinions on the paper, which can be found on the clubhouse noticeboard. This will also be discussed during the meeting.

Last, but not least, do keep everyone's number and email. And, check your email or this site for updates.

Updates on Committee Posts

Hey, hey, it's been a long time since I updated this blog. Now, let me give you some updates on what's been going on. First off, we have a fresh assemble of committee members. The seniors have stepped down and the juniors have stepped up to take over. Here the new posts and who's in them:

Club President: Wang Li Zhe

Assistant Club President: Yao Qi Jun & Joanne

Secretary: Xu Hui Zhuang

Treasurer: Christine

Logistics Committee: Ronald Lim & Jin Hui

Welfare Committee: Zhe Yi

Well, that's all for committee updates. Look forward to working with them.