Thursday, October 25, 2007

Grading Exams are over!

The grading exams are finally over! Gone are the nervousness and the butterflies in the stomach! There were less girls who took the grading exam. Kids came in as well to take the grading exams. They looked so cute and Senpai Chun Hwee looked like a kindergarden teacher leading those students > < handphone =(

That's all for today. Have a good rest everyone! ^_^

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Besta luck!

Grading is finally around the corner. It's TOMORROW !! And, there was an extra lesson conducted by sensei today. However, one thing I have to say: "WHERE THE STUDENTS ??!" There was like 8 students who turned up! Argh, never mind ... I guess people may have classes (hopefully that's the reason). I even turned up, even though I could always stay at the main library until the SA Fair ended.

Wondering why I'm at the fair? I'm a writer for OOPS! magazine. Cool huh? I just got this position after I passed the writing test I took last friday. Hopefully, the OOPS! crew would plan to do an article on SP clubs. Then, I can say something about the SPKC. Okay, maybe not. That's biased ^^

Anyway, hope everyone comes back to training and we can live to see the day when our dojo is filled with everyone's presence. Full attendance! And, don't stress with school work. Get more exercise. Go karate training and release your bottled up stress.

Also, BESTA LUCK to those taking their grading exam! Go break a leg and get a double promo if you can!! =D

Monday, October 15, 2007

Training for Quality

Today, training was as usual. At the same time, same place, same day. However, today I experienced pain. For training today, we first started out with some stretching exercises followed by warm up exercises. We did jumping on the spot and jumping while changing legs; right in front, then left in front, then right in front (you get the picture). Just how many times we did that ... I already lost count.

Then, we went for some jogging, followed by running and fast speed running. We jogged three rounds from our training mat all the way turning round pizza hut and back to the mat and again. Then, after jogging three rounds, we ran three rounds. After that, we stopped and got ready to do some fast speed running. First we sprint to pizza hut then ran back to the same place where we started off sprinting...

Following that, we jogged backwards, and ran back one round to our starting place. Then, we ran sideways and ran back one round to the mat. We then took a short break after doing some breathing exercises.

We then started on our kata training. We, yellow belts tried to follow the lesson where the seniors were doing their kata however, we were soon struggling -_- ''

Within the last few minutes of our training session, Sensei Lawrence taught us some kumite tactics. We did three types of moves.

By the time, the whole training session ended, I was bushed. My calves were aching and I could not walk normally. I wondered how the others felt. I heard from Huizhuang that she can't follow the kata exercise the seniors were doing as well... I'm glad I got another companion who can't follow ... if not I'm the only useless one -_-

Sounds tough huh? However, I don't think this is the toughest. I think there are other trainings that are even tougher. All these trainings are to help us to have better quality moves and tactics, also to train us physically in stamina, endurance and mind.

However, when I think of this training, I suddenly had a thought. Our club may not have many members but we do have the people who can and are determined to endure all these trainings. We don't have the quantity but we do have the quality.

There are some people who have tried training with us, however, within one training session experience, we never saw nor heard from them again. I guess they could not take it. Therefore, I'm proud that the club has a number of people who can take such training. I'm sure they can become even better if they continue.

Hence, we should not be too disappointed if we have less members. Afterall, isn't quality better than quantity? =D

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Training as usual

Today, I turned up for karate training for the second time since semester 2 started. The people who turned up for training was quite little. There were 5 girls and 8 guys, plus 1 Sensei. This is not a good sign. I heard that there is a competition coming up next year. Time passes very fast, therefore, we have to continue to train.

More importantly, there is a grading exam coming up of the 25th October. That's about 3 training sessions away. Training for grading exam is crucial. There is kata practices to be done. And, you have to get your legs to be used to the half squats for the kata movements. For those who want to catch up with talented people like Huizhuang and Gin, do come for training.

Oh, one more thing, you cannot escape from grading. Die, die, you have to go through. ( Inex, I changed my mind. Therefore, I'm going to drag you in. The movements still same as the ones we did in our first grading exam. ) At least give it a try. However, before that, practise and come for the 3 training sessions so that you can prepare yourself.

P.S. 15 October 2007, Monday: Training fee and grading fee are to be handed in to Wan Ping.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Welcome back

Hey there, everybody. Just want to welcome back everyone. It is a new semester. It's going to be more busy from now on. Therefore, JIA YOU ! Take more vitamin C. Eat more. Do your assignments early. Stop playing computer games until late night !! Stop reading yaoi manga until late night as well ...

And, most important of all, ATTEND trainings. Karate club training doesn't stop. Don't be like me, pon training so many times. The vice club president, Hao Yu is nagging at me each time.

Oh yeah, and look forward to more things coming up on this website. And, when I have the time, I am going to not rely on blogger and just create a whole new spkc website from scratch.

That's all, hope everyone is fine and have fun this semester. ^_^