Sadly, many of our members were unable to make it. This left only Haoyu, Lizhe, Dennis (Jr), Jin Hui, Ronald and me, who came later because I had work. I was stunned. I'm the only girl from SPKC! It feels like I represent the female population in SPKC ==''
Though the number of us was little, it was quite fun and enjoyable. We kept suaning Lizhe. We found fault with his talking, opinions and even his wardrobe! Dennis (Jr), Haoyu and I kept arguing with him and attack him with our opinions. Lol. Guess who won in the end? Of course, its us! Therefore, everyone, please be reminded that Lizhe has to treat us Pizzahut on Thursday, 22 May 2008.
In addition, the food there was nice. The guys ate second, third servings! My, my ... they're really big eaters, especially Dennis (Jr). Also, they kept ordering for Papadum, a crispy snack that one usually eats with Nasi Briyani! We even used the snack and put it in our mouths and pose in front of the camera during photo-taking with Pala.
After the event, all of us, except Lizhe decided to make our way to Dhoby Ghaut to try to catch a movie. (Lizhe, you anti-social! ><) Many seats were taken, therefore, we had to get the couple seats in the cinema. We got tickets for only 4 of us, as Ronald was going home. We sent Ronald to the MRT station before loitering around for more than an hour before the 11.40pm movie, Chocolate, started. The movie was great. There were no stunt doubles and the main lead really kicked ass. We enjoyed the movie. However, just an answer to any of you guys who would ask me if I wanna start training and kick ass after watching the show; the answer is "We'll see ..." Lol.
Anyway, it was coming close to 2am when we got out of the cinema. Dennis (Jr) and Jin Hui took the nightrider bus home while I and Haoyu shared cab. Haoyu looked shagged and sounded sick. He said he had no voice and said he wasn't feeling ill. That was really weird and worrying. No one will have no voice if they're not feeling ill. Hence, I told him to go and sleep early instead. Honestly, you can sleep but play playstation. ==''' Do take better care of your body and get enough rest. Same goes for all who has assignments and school-related things coming at you.
And, with that, I end my post here. However, before I end, here's the pictures I took with Dennis (Jr)'s handphone (no thanks to Lizhe, who refused to lend me his handphone camera):